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8A Unit 1  Friends    Vocabulary
点击数:3306 更新时间:2011-12-3

 8A  Unit 1  Friends    Vocabulary    

Teaching Objectives:  

To use adjectives to describe appearance   

To use appropriate adjectives to describe the appearances of boys and girls  


Teaching Contents:  

Words: thin, strong, tall, short, small eyes, big eyes, round face, square face, beautiful, pretty, lovely, handsome, good-looking, smart, slim

Girlsbeautiful, pretty, lovely, slim

Boyshandsome, good-looking, smart


Teaching preparations:  



Teaching procedures:  

Step 1 Warm-up  

T:    Let’s play a guessing game, OK? You will see 6 sentences describing a person on the TV screen. If you can guess who she is after you read the first sentence, you will get 10 points. After the second sentence you can get 8 points. But after the last sentence you’ll get a zero. Does it make sense?  

Ss find out the answer without much difficulty.  

T: It’s easy, right? You have remembered the three friends’ appearances and the words to describe them. Now let’s have a look at these words again.  


Step 2 Presentation  

1. T: Look! Here is a table. When we describe people’s appearances, we usually talk about these different parts: build, height, leg and hair including the style and length.  

Teach “build” and “height”.  

T: Now please put the words into the table.  

2. T: As the first guessing game is so easy, shall we play once more?  

Ss: OK.  

Ss fail to find out who she is.  

T: Haha, it’s me! Why is it not so easy this time? Because you haven’t learnt this before and the information I gave you is not enough. We need to learn more to describe people’s appearances, right?  

Ss look at the pictures and learn more words to describe appearance. They try to find out what the words are used for--- build, height, etc.  


Step 3 Practice  

1. Ss do Part A, P11.  

2. Ss find out more to describe--- eyes, face, etc.  

3. Ss describe the people in the pictures with the words they have just learnt and each time there’s something new added in.  


Step 4 Presentation  

1. T: You’ve just described the appearances of a little girl, a pop singer, a sports star and a classmate of yours. What do you think of them?  

Ss: Handsome, smart, good-looking, beautiful, pretty, lovely…  

T: Well done! You’ve learnt a lot. But do you know that some words are suitable for girls only and some are for boys only? Of course there’re also some for both girls and boys. Let’s put them in the right places.  

Girlsbeautiful, pretty, lovely, slim

Boyshandsome, good-looking, smart

Ss do Part B, P11.  

2. T: Now we’ve learnt a lot of words to describe girls and boys, face and hair, etc. Let’s have a group competition. Please write down as many words as possible in the given time according to my instructions. You must listen carefully and make sure you’re writing the right words. For example, if I ask you to write some words to describe hair, you can’t write round or square, OK?  

1) Would you please write some words which are used only for boys?  

2) Would you please write some words which describe a person’s face?  

3) Would you please write some words which describe a person’s build?  

4) Would you please write some words which are used for both girls and boys?  

Ss work in groups. Four groups come to the blackboard. Each time only one of them writes and the others can shout loudly to help.  


Step 5 Practice   

1. T: Now let’s check how well you have learnt. Could you describe the appearance of the person you know best? It’s YOUSELF!  

Get some students to come to the front of the classroom to describe their own appearances, try to use as many adjectives they’ve learnt as possible.  

2. T: As there’s still some time left, we can play one more game called “Twenty Questions”. Please try to guess who I am thinking about by asking me questions about his or her appearance. You can’t ask special questions and I can only answer Yes or No. If you are smart enough, you may not need to ask 20 questions! Then you can play this game with your classmates. Here is a model:  

T: I’m thinking about a boy in this class.  

S1: Is he tall?  

T: Yes.  

S2: Is he strong?  

T: No.  

S3: Is he our monitor?  

T: No.  

S4: Does he have big eyes?  

T: Yes.  


Ss ask questions and guess. Then the one who gets the right answer comes to the front and the other students ask him/ her questions to continue the game.  


Step 6 Homework   

Describe the appearance of someone you like very much. He or she may be your friend, your parent or your favorite star. Try to bring a photo of his or hers here tomorrow. Let’s see how well you can use the words you’ve learnt.  



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