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Unit 2  What’s the matter
点击数:3093 更新时间:2011-12-3

Period  2

Teaching procedures :  

Step 1  Leading in   

1.     Free talk .  

2.     Revise playing the game .  

3.     Practice reading the dialogues .  

Step 2  Pre-task   

SB Page 8, 2b .  

1.     Pay attention to the four pictures .Each of these pictures illustrates one of the conversations .  

2.     Play the tape ,write the missing words on the blank lines .  

3.     Play the tape again and check the answers .  

4.     Pairwork .Practice reading the dialogues in the pictures .Take turns having the problem and giving the advice .  

5.     Practice reading the dialogue in  2c  ,and make their onw conversations .  

6.     Act out the dialogue .


Step 3  While-task  

SB Page 9,  3a  .  

1.     Point out the picture and ask Ss to describe it .(There is a boy sitting on a bench .He’s sick .A teacher is talking to him )  

2.     Pay attention to the dialogue and the blanks in the dialogue .  

3.     Fill in the blanks in the conversation .  

4.     Go over the answers.  

5.     Practice reading the dialogue with a student, then work in pairs .  

Step 4  Post-task  

SB Page 9 , 3b .  

1.     Look at the picture with activity .  

A: What’s the matter ?  

B: I’m not feeling well . I have a toothache /fever/sore throat /sore back .  

2.     Pairwork.  

Make your own dialogues setting  3a  as an example .  

1.     Act out the dialogue .Ask some pairs to come to the front to act out their onw dialogues .  

SB Page 9, Part 4.  

1.     Read the instructions and demonstrate what a “mime” is .  

2.     Read the dialogue by the Ss .  

3.     Ask a student to come to the front and mime an illness ,the other Ss guess what the illness is .  

4.     Ask one student to give advice .  

5.     Give several students an opportunity to come to the front and mime an illness .  

Step 5  Homework   

1.     When you had some problems.please remember what the doctor said .  

Remember the new words . 

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