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8A Unit 1 Grammar (Ⅰ)
点击数:3106 更新时间:2011-12-3

8A Unit 1 Grammar ()

Teaching objectives

To use an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb to describe someone or something

To use comparatives to compare two people or things

To use superlatives to compare three or more people or things


Teaching Contents:

Words: cheerful, printer, better, worse, worst, height, competition, test, be, become, feel, get, grow, keep, look, seem, smell, sound, taste, turn

Phrasesin the drawing competition

SentencesThis is the most expensive printer in the shop.

          Millie is the slowest swimmer of the six students.

          Sandy’s drawing is the most beautiful in the drawing competition.


Teaching preparations:




Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

T: Yesterday I asked you to describe a person you like and bring his or her photo here. Now would you please show me your work?

Some Ss come to the blackboard and describe.

T shows one of the descriptions and underlines some adjectives in the description.


Step 2 Presentation

T: These underlined words are called adjectives. Please look at the pictures and the sentences. Can you tell me the use of adjectives in them?

Show a picture of a woman with short hair and a sleeping cat.

She has short hair.

Her hair is short.

This is a lazy cat.

This cat is lazy.

Ss find out that adjectives are used to describe people or things and are used before nouns or after linking verbs.

T: Can you think of any linking verbs we’ve learnt before?

Show Ss some of the linking verbs which are often used.


Step 3 Practice

Ss do Part A, P12. Rearrange the words to form complete sentences.

Millie has short hair.

Sandy wears round glasses.

Amy is funny and cheerful.

Millie does not like long hair.

Sandy is tall and has long hair.

T helps Ss find out the use of adjectives in each sentence--- before a noun or after a linking verb.


Step 5 Presentation  

1. T: Look at these two girls. Can you find out the difference between the two sentences?

Emphasize that an adjective is used with a noun or a linking verb while an adverb is used with a verb.

2. Show Ss more pictures. Help them say sentences to compare the things with comparatives and superlatives.

Ss find out that comparatives are used to compare two people or things while superlatives are used to compare three or more people or things. Also find out some words and phrases which indicate the use of comparatives or superlatives.

Comparative: than, much, even, still, a little, of the two, Which/Who is …, A or B?

Superlative: the, of…, in …, Which/Who is …, A, B or C?

3. Ss look at the table and find out how to form comparatives and superlatives.

We add -er / -est to short adjectives.

(Short adjectives are adjectives of one or two syllables).

We use more/ most for long adjectives.

(Long adjectives are adjectives of three or more syllables.)


Step 6 Practice  

1.      Ss do Part B1, Page 13. Write the comparatives and superlatives of the adjectives.

2. Ss have a group competition. Each member of a group should read and spell the comparative and superlative of an adjective below. The group that can do it most quickly with all the answers correct will be the winner.

1)  light       old          healthy      cheerful

2)  safe       thirsty      slim           bad

3)  bright     new          much        bored

4)  sad      heavy        straight     clearly

3. Ss do Part B2, P14. Complete the sentences according to the profile.

4. Ss make up a dialogue in pairs to compare people or things. They can choose any topic of the following: animals, sports, food and drinks, people in this classroom.

T provides some pictures, words, phrases and sentences which may be useful to Ss.

5. Ss do some multiple choice and translation work.

Step 7 Summarize

T: This class we learnt the use of adjectives, comparatives and superlatives. Now let’s read an interesting English poem as the end of this lesson.

Good, better, best,

Never let it rest,

Till your good is better,

And your better is best!


Step 8 Homework

Revise the use of adjectives, comparatives and superlatives


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